Spring/Summer 2003
Table of Contents
General Submissions
- Gulf Stream, Ron De Maris
- Bill Monroe Novena, Kyle Thompson
- Texas, Jorge Luis Borges
- Allusion to the Death of Colonel Francisco Borges (1835-1874), Jorge Luis Borges
- The Safety Zone, Karen Bashkirew
- Clotheslines, Brian Turner
- From the Gunner’s Turret, Brian Turner
- Walking on Glass, Kathy Kieth
- Dandelion Gone to Seed, Elizabeth S. Volpe
- You, Muster Mark, Lenore Mayhew
- Song, Ellen Andolsek
- The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting, Stephen Cramer
- Concert with Two Guitars, Church of Santa Ana, Chris Cantu
- “Soleares Gitanas,” Deborah Warren
- Flamenco Dancer, Maureen Tolman Flannery
- Meditation at the Plaza Puerta de Moros, Mario Rene Padilla
- Imagine This, Michele Rosenthal
- My Heart is a Beautiful Citron, Avner Perez
- Ghazal for Lorca’s Grave, Michael Spring
Spain Feature Section
- At a Crossroads:Â Poetry from the New Spain (Introduction), Steven Ford Brown
- August Afternoons, Miguel Anxo Fernan-Vello
- The Photographer’s Position, Miguel Anxo Fernan-Vello
- Plaza at Dusk, Miguel Anxo Fernan-Vello
- Farewell, Miguel Anxo Fernan-Vello
- Silence, Carlos Edmundo de Ory
- Poem, Edmundo de Ory
- Denise, Edmundo de Ory
- The Nineteen, Ana Maria Fagundo
- If You Composed…, Angel Gonzalez
- Here, Madrid, 1954, Angel Gonzalez
- Intimate Liquid, Olga Novo
- Cavendish, Olga Novo
- You Have So Little, Miquel Marti i Pol
- Autobiography (1965-66), Miquel Marti i Pol
- Now I Often Think, Miquel Marti i Pol
- from Twenty Seven Poems…, Miquel Marti i Pol
- The Most Beautiful Night, Ana Rosetti
- My Keeper, Ana Rosetti
- I Won’t Go Back to Paris, Rafael Guillen
- On the Matter of Texas, Rafael Guillen
- Ballad for an Invisible Man, Rafael Guillen
- Drumbeat, Dolors Miquel
- Nordic Yamaha, Dolors Miquel
- Wood with Boar, Dolors Miquel
- The Train, Rafael Perez Estrada
- Hotel, Rafael Perez Estrada
- The Minotaur, Rafael Perez Estrada
- Then (Orduan), Bernardo Atxaga
- The Days Go By, Bernardo Atxaga
- Winter Poem (Negukoa), Bernardo Atxaga
- By Love Possessed, Pere Gimferrer
- Snares, Pere Gimferrer
- November, Pureza Canelo
- Labyrinth, Pureza Canelo
- I Can Tonight, Pureza Canelo
- Money, Claudio Rodriguez
- Initial Manifesto of a Humanist, Santiago Montobbio
- Catalogue of Antiques, Santiago Montobbio
- The Jojakarta Puppets: Gods and Babies, Josep-Francesc Delgado
- We Could Talk, Miren Agur Meabe
- Concrete Things, Miren Agur Meabe
General Contributors, con’t
- To a Smith-Corona, Rachel Dacus
- To My Beard, J.R. Solonche
- When Geese Dream, Susan Rolston
- Anteaters, Charles Scott
- Green Darner, Melissa Range
- Hum, M.A. Schaffner
- Unearthed, Chris Crittenden
- Paradise, Jamie Granger
- Cerro Rico, Michael Leong
- Residing Alone in a Cell, Huang Xiang
- When Asked to Write About God, Cathy Carlisi
- RN’s, Jean McVey
- The Matter of the Heart, Bruce Tindall
- Joy Ride, Jill Wright
- A History of Mankind, Oliver Rice
- Blackberry, Ricks Carson
- Deviled Eggs for Easter, Linda Parsons Marion
- Searching for the Lost City of Catharsis, John Randolph Carter
- Invitation, Alicia Bessette
- Senescent, Mike Arvey
- August Sunset from the Highest Point in St. Paul, Richard Broderick