Table of Contents
General Contributors
- Wanting More, or On Having a Baby at 42, Erin Aube
- Peacocks Will Have the Last Word, Brittany Baron
- Hitchhiking I Met an Actor Who Appeared on TV with Lassie #17, R. Steve Benson
- Moving Furniture, Ace Boggess
- The Vibration of Water, Michele Bombardier
- Ugly Fruit, Grey Brown
- Lubbock Storms, William Brown
- Lyrics, Peter Neil Carroll
- Wetlands, Ann Chinnis
- Emily Brontë in Manhattan, Chloe Cook
- A Yard Full of Promises, Holly Day
- Rings of Moonlight, Deborah H. Doolittle
- We Thirst, J.V. Foerster
- Psamtik to Psammetichus, Daniel Galef
- Nocturn 60, Jeff Graham
- Gillying, Bex Hainsworth
- Pandora, Bex Hainsworth
- breaking: Roe, Mare Heron Hake
- Compassion, Joanne Holdridge
- Losing His Ligh, Joanne Holdridge
- Down Payment, Paul Ilechko
- Zeroes and Ones, Donald Illich
- All Around Us Would Be Spring, Tess K. Jacobs
- Reparation Montage, Siobhan Jean-Charles
- Clouds Rise, P M F Johnson
- chronometria, Sophie Liebergall
- The Water Garden, Jessica Lim
- Bedtime Prayer on Behest, Jenny Maaketo
- Distal, Karen McPherson
- My First Orchid, Arianna Miller
- The Way Home, Florence Murry
- After Long Illness, Derek N. Otsuji
- Squall, James Owens
- Heirlooms, Christian Paulisich
- Fragments of History, Seth Peterson
- The Circus, Donna Pucciani
- Daphne, Justin Pulice
- Luck Will Still Smile on Us, Kathy Shorr
- Zinnias Grow in My Adult Garden, Caroline Simpson
- Why My Father Insists on Arriving Early at Ben Gurion Airport, Jen Siraganian
- Widow Fog, Marilynn Tallal
- LBJ in the Rotunda, Clifford Thompson
- Before You Leave, Marie Wise
- Of Poetry and Mourning, Marie Wise
International Section: Slovakia
Introduction, Nina Varon
- How Is She, Ján Buzássy
- Slovak, Ján Buzássy
- I Always Come Out of the Same Door, Veronika Dianišková
- not quite alone…, Etela Farkašová
- basic uncertainty, Etela Farkašová
- fatherline, Mária Ferenčuhová
- motherline, Mária Ferenčuhová
- My Wise Friend, Ján Gavura
- Profundis, Ján Gavura
- 1., Generator X
- 26., Generator X
- ethnoshop:, Generator X
- Name (Age)66Oľga Gluštíková
- Gabika (43) to Svetlana (38):, Oľga Gluštíková
- Writer Elena (48), Oľga Gluštíková
- 1805, Erik Jakub Groch
- Mise-en-scene, Erik Jakub Groch
- Karmacoma (1.), Michal Habaj
- Karmacoma (2.), Michal Habaj
- somewhere here. (un)certain dawn of the “text”, Andrej Hablák
- I am, Andrej Hablák
- (To My Poets-Peers), Mila Haugová
- Another Poem, Mila Haugová
- Carnival, Mila Haugová
- Punctured Memory, Daniel Hevier
- Ministry of My Interior, Daniel Hevier
- Casting a Look, Rudolf Jurolek
- Anytime, Rudolf Jurolek
- Normal Children, Rudolf Jurolek
- There are unique places in every person’s life., Juraj Kuniak
- A point., Juraj Kuniak
- Addition, Ján Litvák
- Happiness, Ján Litvák
- Language of languages, Ján Litvák
- Deepgreen Woman, Eva Luka
- A Poet, Eva Luka
- 7 Everyday Situations, Peter Macsovzsky
- Ec chajim., Erik Markovi
- Palintropicity and the Concept of Postmodernism…, Erik Markovi
- les femmes fatales, Marián Milčák
- with a light feeling of shame, Marián Milčák
- the lord of the text, Marián Milčák
- How to, Peter Milčák
- 5 Times Perfection, Erik Ondrejička
- 1. perfection (catching silence), Erik Ondrejička
- 2. the absolute (flower), Erik Ondrejička
- From a Distance, Anna Ondrejková
- Lie Interruptus, Agda Bavi Pain
- Oath, Agda Bavi Pain
- Untitled (and I love the tree with pure love), Daniel Pastirčák
- Untitled (one eye looks out from blindness), Daniel Pastirčák
- Untitled (just to be), Daniel Pastirčák
- Theology of Ascenscion. Rúfus, Dana Podracká
- Untitled (The fog enveloped the sun and bright colors), Stanislava Chrobáková Repar
- Untitled (Frost), Stanislava Chrobáková Repar
- Eternal Life, Peter Repka
- Running, Like Every Movement Takes Away What We Had, Peter Repka
- It Goes Anywhere, Martin Solotruk
- A View as If From the Gut, Martin Solotruk
- Where Is That Door?, Ivan Štrpka
- Europe: a Slow Headache, Ivan Štrpka
- The Fly Is Sleeping, Ivan Štrpka
- Manual Work Good Feeling, Peter Šulej
- Enclosed, Peter Šulej