Table of Contents
General Submissions
- Since You Asked About My Process, Richard Schiffman
- Cell Time, Christopher Presfield
- When Gabriel García Márquez played tennis, Roger Sedarat
- The Castle of Otranto, Maura Stanton
- Family Portrait, Suzanne O’Connell
- There is a Zbava, Nicole Yurcaba
- At the driveway guitar sale, Buff Whitman-Bradley
- Sex, Tom Chandler
- Old Guy: Super Hero, William Trowbridge
- On Going Deaf, Betty Littleton
- The Power Plant, Peter Arvan Manos
- Goddamnitalltohell, Diana Pinckney
- My Brother Sings, Diana Pinckney
- Intruder, Marilyn Talal
- W Word, James Valvis
- Sophie and the German Girls, James Valvis
- First Kiss, Roseann Raniere
- Gone Missing, Ann Robinson
- Hangman, Heidi Wallis
- Not Much Different, Lee Varon
- Chicken, Lee Varon
- Letter from the Desert Museum, Donna Pucciani
- This Damn Magnolia, Doris Lynch
- Spring Evening, Tom Raithel
International Feature: Russia, edited by Alex Cigale
- Two Pictures, Shamshad Abdullaev
- Without Title, Shamshad Abdullaev
- from To See Things with Clarity, Anastasia Afanasyeva
- After Stevenson, Mikhail Aizenberg
- The Temple with an Arcade, Maxim Amelin
- “Homer’s Been Shredded to Quotes,” Maxim Amelin
- In August the Stars Shoot Through the Night Air, Maxim Amelin
- In central Russia tornadoes are so rare, Nikolai Baitov
- Sweetness of the sweetest slumber, Polina Barskova
- The Snowman, Gregory Dashevsky
- Quarentine, Gregory Dashevsky
- From Far Off, Regina Derieva
- The beetle, raised up the by ghostly waves, Mikhail Eremin
- To A. Eremin, Mikhail Eremin
- Hiring Freeze, takeover, foretaste of profits, Mikhail Eremin
- Historian, Vladimir Gandelsman
- O the river grows wild grows black grows night, Vladimir Gandelsman
- You say it creaks? Well, take the paper, Sergey Gandlevsky
- A Text of Appalling Strength, Dina Gatina
- colonies of coral, building up their framework, Marianna Geide
- They used to kill…, Pavel Goldin
- Mani the prophet was starved, Pavel Goldin
- A handgun in your throat, Linore Goralik
- Sarin, Soman, Tobun, Andrey Gritsman
- Walking Through the Old Arbat Alone, Anna Halberstadt
- In the central terminal, Igor Irtenev
- Observation, Igor Irtenev
- from Venetian Triptych, Alexander Kabanov
- You’ll turn an old gramophone on, Alexander Kabanov
- This goblin, tubercular light, Alexander Kabanov
- Route (A Ballad-Parable), Inna Kabysh
- Mother Throws Milk Bottles, Ilya Kaminsky
- A beam gone crazy in an unwashed window, Katia Kapovich
- When winter comes and Cambridge is snowed under, Katia Kapovich
- Synopsis, Timur Kibirov
- The Ethnic Question, Timur Kibirov
- Ceramic Milk Pails, Konstantin Kravtsov
- On the Road to Galilee, Konstantin Kravtsov
- Arkadii was a god, Dmitry Kuzmin
- I now, the Mongol yoke, the years of famine, Lev Loseff
- I am hollow and my ways are dead, Roald Mandelstam
- The Room. January 1st, Irina Mashinski
- The End of a Myth, Irina Mashinski
- This time of year…, Vadim Mesyats
- The biggest compliment, Vadim Mesyats
- Postcards in a Bottle, Dennis Novikov
- The Village, Alexey Porvin
- As a messenger pigeon fleeing the palm, Alexey Purin
- The striking clock is sinister and bitter, Leonid Schwab
- About books, Tatiana Shcherbina
- Claudia, guess who’s fallen in love with me—a gladiator!, Elena Shvarts
- To a slave girl, Elena Shvarts
- Cynthia, Elena Shvarts
- The Temptation of St. Marcuse, Alexander Skidan
- Checkroom, Yevgeny Slivkin
- I’ll ask my helper Charon: he will carry, Yevgeny Slivkin
- from 20 Sonnets to M, Maria Stepanova
- Is it God or a squirrel amuck in the tree, Maria Stepanova
- Superorganic consciousness, Fedor Svarovsky
- from Hexagrams, Andrey Tavrov
- Catullus, Andrey Tavrov
- Château Chaumont, Marina Temkina
- Music in the heart gnawing, Aigerim Tazhi
- Someone among the branches twitches, frightened by a cough, Aigerim Tazhi
- Earthy, dying on the eve of winter, Aigerim Tazhi
- the mirror of theseus, Alexei Tsvetkov
- The most memorable rain?, Alexander Ulanov
- There is no path to the Brahman, none, Amarsana Ulzytuev
- Eddies Funeral, Amarsana Ulzytuev
- The night is swarming with the decaying Gypsies, Oleg Yuriev
- the scar of which we know from the outset, Lida Yusupova
- Alone, you linger at the forest’s edge, Ivan Zhdanov
- Pious angel…, Ivan Zhdanov
- A red drop in snow, Gennadii Gor
- No heart beats in these houses, Gennadii Gor
- Death, Vladimir Sterligov
- Dinnertime Ode to Lamprey, Pavel Zaltsman
- The Word, Arseny Tarkovsky
- The Pushkin Monument, Joseph Brodsky