Download Poetry 2019 Part A here!
Download Poetry 2019 Part B here!
Table of Contents
General Submissions
- Equinox, Shannon Ackerman
- By the Delta, Tobi Alfier
- Days of Blackbird, KB Ballentine
- Background, Daisy Bassen
- Phantom Limb, Mark Burke
- Stolen Lily, Rachel Aviva Burns
- Lawn Tennis, Charles Laird Calia
- The Wolf, Douglas Cole
- My Cane, Robert Cooperman
- Anne Frank’s Cat, Pat Daneman
- Ro-Sham-Bo, Christine Darragh
- Back Among My Own, Wendy Drexler
- Hilel at the Golden Dragon, Louis Faber
- Night, Verbezhichi , David Galloway
- Humidity, Abigail Goodhart
- I’m Happy DriveYou All the Way Home, Caroline Goodwin
- Near twilight, Carrie Heimer
- Grace, A.E. Hines
- December in the South, Patricia Hooper
- One Flesh, Rebecca Irene
- chicago, pacific and st. paul,  Dan Jacoby
- Mercy, P M F Johnson
- Rattlebox, Robert Lee Kendrick
- Little River, Richard Kenefic
- The West Wind Wears a Quiet Elegance,  Louise Labé/J. Kates (trans.)
- How to Be a Tomato, J. Adams Lagana
- Still Life with Bison, Kathryne Lim
- What the Tow Truck Driver Told Me, John Mancini
- Indigo| Baptisia australis, Thea Matthews
- Sundays in the Saddle, Barbara Mayer
- Lazarus II, Reagan McNamee-King
- Data Analytics Explained, Gary Mesick
- Calabash Jug, Ann E. Michael
- Last Light, Jory Mickelson
- From Chile, James Miller
- Pass, Valley, Gate, Cathedral, Devon Miller-Duggan
- Ten Love Stories, A. Molotkov
- Time Zones, Jo-Ann Mort
- Rites, Elizabeth Murawski
- Our First Time Making Love After the Funeral, Shannon Nakai
- Last One, Donna O’Connell-Gilmore
- Swing Low, Donna Pucciani
- A Stick of Butter, Donna Pucciani
- Flora & Fauna, Michele Parker Randall
- Sienna Hills, Claudia Reder
- Twilight Over Ankang Straightaway, Paul Reyns
- The Last Straw, Anele Rubin
- The Ant & the Peony, Kelly R. Samuels
- Our Ladies of the Marsh Islands, Cliff Saunders
- First Snow, Felicity Sheehy
- A Friday in April, Felicity Sheehy
- Lăowà i, Andrew Slugantz
- Find Me A Horse, William Snyder, Jr.
- While Viewing Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party,  Gary Stein
- Words Frequently Confused: Lunar, Lunate,  Phillip Sterling
- Decorations for the New Year, Jack Stewart
- St. John’s School, Pauline Uchmanowicz
- Habit of Keeping, Austin Veldman
- Ithika, J.L. Wall
- Whooshing like winded sumo wrestlers, Marty Walsh
- Watering Can, Lindsay Wilson
- Eclogue: The Limbs So Full We Though They’d Break, Lindsay Wilson
- Selective Mutism, Jennifer Wolkin
- Toward the Raspberry Bush, Anna Zumbahlen
Dan Veach Younger Writer’s Prize
- Where to Find Poetry, Ivy Marie
- Palestine is Upside Down, Rema Shbaita
Poetry 2019, judged by Dan Vera, Grand Prize Winner
- Suzie, Kurt Luchs
- Â Tongue, JD Amick
- [Letter of Love] to Ojīchan, Aozora Brockman
- Self Portrait with Rubble, Sylvia Foley
- A pledge to the dead requires no proof, Jennifer L. Hollis
- Corpse, Dana Jaye
- Medtation on a Trash Fire in My Backyard, Robert J. Keeler
- Quantum Heart, Kathleen Kirk
- Waiting for Mother’s Geraniums, Pingmei Lan
- One Intimate Morning, Belle Ling
- Nighttime in Jericho, Jo-Ann Mort
- Stones without People and the Art of the Mulberry, Adele Ne Jame
- Consumption of a Black Hole and Sweat Bees, John Nieves
- Thin Places, Edward Nudelman
- Thought Experiment, Edward Nudelman
- Apples, Crabapples, David Rock
- Sometimes, Briefly, Kelly Rowe
- Spring Freeze, Joan Roberta Ryan
- Unscrolling, Joan Roberta Ryan
- Dead Woman’s Hollow Road, Nicole Santalucia
- What White Lies Beneath, Heidi Seaborn
- Prelude to a Resurrection, D.R. Shipp
- She Zuo Bin’s Rite of Spring, Mary Spalding
- Where We Call to Nest, Felicia Zamora
- Turbulence: Night Flight to Cairo, Kristin Camitta Zimet