Fall/Winter 2005
Download Poetry 2005 Part A here!
Download Poetry 2005 Part B here!
Table of Contents
General Contributors
- Meditation in a Monastery, Peggie Gallagher
- The Way It Works Up There, David Tucker
- I, Leviathan, Charles Harper Webb
- How the Argument Started, Marty Walsh
- Serenade, Philip Dacey
- Rip Van Winkle at South Beach, Ron De Maris
- If the Language of Night Isn’t Sex, Rob Carney
- Mounting:Â A Study on the Populous, Sam Taylor
- Demeter, Mourning, Meg Gold
- Rachel’s Song, Elizabeth Simson
- One, Elizabeth Sullivan
- 2086: Instructions for My Daughter’s Nurse, Tania Runyan
- A Good Friday, Richard Behm
- Saturday Afternoon, Carolyn Miller
- Landing at SFO, Carolyn Miller
- Here, Charles W. Pratt
- It Was Like a Baby’s Cry, Marion Boyer
- We Could Not Bear, Holly Krapetkova
- Disconnected, Ted Taylor
- Happy Endings, Judi A. Rypma
- Wax, Priscilla Atkins
Poetry International Competition Contributors
- Provence, Hans Jorg Stahlschmidt
- Medieval Streets, Maureen Tolman Flannery
- The Poet of Poet Laval, Carolyn Tipton
- Lost Books, Eleanor Stanford
- String Theory, Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin
- Fish, Prartho Sereno
- The Passing of the Tobacco Age, Ron De Maris
- Wait Till Next Year, Sherman Pearl
- Miles in the Sky, Richard Greeott
- Blood, Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin
- Sunday Ritual, Tanya Shirley
- Talking About Scents, Andrea Potos
- Visiting the Supermarket, Andrea Potos
- Smile, Miho Nonaka
- You Dog You, Marian Wilson
- Blue Book Quote on the Used Self, Carolyn Moore
- My colonoscopy, Pierre Lugosch
- Apocryphal Story, Mark McKain
- If I Were a Song, Allison Joseph
- Just Another Season, Chris Longenecker
- To the Poet in the Garden, Jane Rawlings
- The Goddess of Pickle Relish, Anne Silver
- New Twist Leaves Mayor of Mexico City Up in the Air, Kerry Dinneen
- whirl, Michael Shewmaker
- Hussein and Ali, Carolyn Boyd
- A More Reasonable Death, Elizabeth Levitski
- Before the Fall, Charles Atkinson
- Blood Moon, Margaret J. Hoehn
- Father in the Garden, Stephanos Papadopoulos
- Paradise, Gloria Richardson
- Sauvage, Patricia Crane
- It Is Time, Laura Foley (GRAND PRIZE WINNER)
General Contributors, con’t
- Bruja, Ken Autrey
- The Witch’s Gift, Eugene Stewart
- Talent, Jody Winer
- Parade Day, Ulys H. Yates
- Visible V-8 Engine, Chris Kingsley
- Amicus Curiae, Hillel Schwartz
- Conceptual Lunch, Mark Terrill
- How the Union Came to Power, Peter Upham
- One Gag to Go, David James
- Cha-Cha to the Finish Line, Sharon Leiter
- Transfusion, 2 p.m., Kim Garcia
- Proximity Fuse, Robin Chapman
- The Windsor Knot, Stephen Bluestone
- Shoes, Kenneth Steven
- Soldier, Kenneth Steven
- The Stone Wall, P M F Johnson
- For Whom, These Bells?, Laurie Klein
- American Military Cemetary, Mary P. Chatfield
- Third Month Abroad, Jeff Crandall
- Walking Horse, Katherine Smith
- The First Flute, Dolores Stewart
- Poetry, Luis Andres Figueroa
- A Poet in the Custom’s House, Maria Terrone
- Holy Hieronymous, Cheryl Gatling