Table of Contents
General Contributors
- The Ravenna Job, Kevin Murray
- Reading E-mail from Students About Their Writing, Robert Parham
- Trumpet Piece, J.R. Kangas
- Thomas Edison, Insomniac, Bill Meissner
- Coasting Toward Heaven, Bill Meissner
- Boy in Storm, Ciaran Berry
- Desert Transformations, Jane Sasser
- The Rain Dream, Robert Arthur Lewis
- It Rains in Gaza, David Moolten
- Ramadan. My Beloved, Mohja Kahf
- My Son Exudes Peace, Yehuda Amichai
- Voting in Kosovo, Phillip Corwin
- Election Day, Robert L. Champ
- For As Long as I Can Remember, I’ve Been Followed by a Family of Gypsy Violinists, Jose Chaves
- Reading the Penguins, Geoff Page
- The Bullet Bible, Louis Phillips
- Downpayment, James Kirk
- Firmness, Commodity, Delight, Ann B. Knox
- Eve Learns the Word Want, Ann B. Knox
- Diamondback, Elizabeth Crowell
- After You Were Born, My Body Missed You, Jesse Lee Kercheval
- The Beekeeper, Ian Revie
- Toad Medicine, Michael Arvey
- Prayer to Tear the Sperm-Dam Down, Charles Harper Webb
- A Caterpillar on a Sleeping Fox, John Poch
- Query, John O’Dell
- Artwork, Cecilia Soprano
Poetry International Contributors
- Black Forest, Walt Stromer
- Landscape in March, Deborah Warren
- Skiathos, 1973, Amy Dengler
- Miss Josephine March Writes to Indiana Jones, Amy Dengler
- The Moments After, Bruce Bennett
- Leaving Jerusalem, Leah Weed
- The Locksmith Near the Corner of Iskar and Boudapeshta, Mark DeFoe
- Negative Space, Beth Copeland Vargo
- Misconception, Beth Copeland Vargo
- Think of Death as a Subway Station in Paris, Mark Terrill
- Uncalculated Move, Mark Terrill
- The Largest Ice Hotel in the World, Helen Sweeney
- Beowife, R.T. Smith
- Emotional Incontinence, MaryLee McNeal
- Voltaire’s Slippers:Â Sans Souci, Philip E. Burnham, Jr.
- In the dancing monkey school of poetics, Joy Maulitz
- Thigh, Roger Sedarat
- Oh, My God, It’s Hector, Louise Whitney
- Needing a Bit of Heaven, Herb Kitson
- Late Blackberry Season, Albert W. Starkey
- Absence of Buddha at Bamiyan, Ann Silsbee
- Money at Giverny, Laurie Robertson-Lorant
- Chalk, John Minczeski (BRONZE WINNER)
- The Onion and the Accordion, Eleanor Stanford (SILVER WINNER)
- A Husband’s Refuge, Ginny Lowe Connors (GOLD WINNER)
- Artwork, Cecilia Soprano
General Contributors, con’t
- Linda’s Home Improvement Loan, Michael G. Hickey
- Don’t Read This Poem, Michael G. Hickey
- Captain America at Home, Jarret Keene
- Barbie and Mr. Potatohead at the Smithsonian, Lynn Wallace
- The Bibioltheque Nationale, Heather Hartley
- Women’s Work, Jacqueline Bardsley
- An Inch a Year, Michael C. Smith
- Constellations, Michael J. Zweigbaum
- Looking for Orion, Priscilla Frake
- Dovetail, Wendy Herbert
- Artwork, Mollie Doctrow
- Words for You, Mother, Alice Barton
- Red Tulip, Melissa Range
- Work, Shane Seely
- A Field Guide to Prayer, Peter Serchuk
- Anniversary, George Bilgere
- The Chosen, Albert Sgambati
- Henry Louis Gates, Jr. in Dahomey, Tony Grist
- Robert Johnson and the Devil, William Miller
- Old Hustlers, Johnny Cordova
- Folk Song, Fred Johnston
- To a Goldfinch, Lorri Lambert-Smith
- Airborne, Jeff Daniel Marion