Spring/ Summer 2001
Download Latin America Part A here!
Download Latin America Part B here!
Table of Contents
General Contributors
- Noche en Español, Lawrence Russ
- All Heart, Amy Herring
- Foxes’ Wedding Day, Gayle Eleanor
- Bones, Gayle Eleanor
- Altiplano, Ben Passikoff
- Song of the Cloud Maiden, Maya Quintero
- One, for Once, Richard Wakefield
- Brightleaf, Ron Rash
- What It’s Like Now, Robert King
- One Moment, the Next, Robert King
- Theory of Poetry, John Guzlowski
- Elephants Never Forget, Marion Boyer
- Acceleration, Mark Terrill
- Burnout, Jeff Worley
- The Bullfight, Marilyn E. Johnston
- Bullfight at Valdemorillo, Kevin Murray
- Doña Inez in El Jardín, Virgil Suárez
- Doña Inez Tends Her Flowers, Virgil Suárez
Latin America Feature
- After Neruda, After Paz, Steven Ford Brown, editor
- Life:, Ana Istarú
- The Night of Graphite, Ana Istarú
- from The Season of Fever, Ana Istarú
- Candied Papaya, Nicomedes Suárez Arauz
- Lemon Jam, Nicomedes Suárez Arauz
- Caramelized Brazil Nut, Nicomedes Suárez Arauz
- Milk Jam Deligh, Nicomedes Suárez Arauz
- Amazonian Writer’s Ink, Nicomedes Suárez Arauz
- Star, Juan Carlos Galeano
- Table, Juan Carlos Galeano
- Vomit, Juan Carlos Galeano
- Eraser, Juan Carlos Galeano
- Self-Portrait in the Doorway, Homero Aridjis
- Author Self-Portrait at Ten, Homero Aridjis
- Author Self-Portrait at Eleven, Homero Aridjis
- Author Self-Portrait at Sixteen, Homero Aridjis
- Self-Portrait at Fifty-four, Homero Aridjis
- Hourglass, Ana Ilce Gómez
- Summer Street, Ana Ilce Gómez
- The Winter, Ana Ilce Gómez
- Machinery, David Huerta
- Construction Project, David Huerta
- Light from Parallel Worlds, David Huerta
- Idea for a Naive Tapestry, Antonio Jose Ponte
- Chair on the Run, Antonio Jose Ponte
- A Forest, a Ladder, Antonio Jose Ponte
- Accident Prone, Consuelo Tomás
- I, Ricardo Lindo
- Rain, Ricardo Lindo
- Lord of the House of Time, Ricardo Lindo
- Before the Pacific, Blanca Varella
- Nobody Will Open the Door, Blanca Varella
- Dying Each Day a Bit More, Blanca Varella
- I’m on the High Seas, Julia Calzadilla Núñez
- Nourishment, Rafael Courtoisie
- Love for Lunatics, Rafael Courtoisie
- Sails, Juan Cameron
- Ciphers, Juan Cameron
- The Dissection, Susana Thénon
- The Funds of the Treasury, Susana Thénon
- Hotel King II, Tomás Harris
- Plural, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira
- Guests, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira
- Looms, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira
General Contributors, con’t
- The Early Life of El Pero (FICTION), George Rabasa
- World Book, Susan McLean
- The Prodigal Daughter, Susan McLean
- Alaska, Alison Townsend
- Geography Class, 1961, Robert Claps
- Ode to My Purse, Rachel Dacus
- Pneumonia, Donna Lisle Gordon
- Kanaima, Late Afternoon, Keith Jardim
- Spring Again, Len Roberts
- The Kodiak Wants to Know, Rob Carney
- The Secret Life, Floyd Skloot
- The League of Minor Characters, Kathleen Flenniken
- The Quest for Power Pathetic Fallacy, Michael C. Smith
- Murray Drift, Peter Rose
- Intimations of Mortality, Steve Miles
- Gods of the Dirt, Amy R. Huseby